If you come to Strömstad by train or bus, aim for the sea as soon as you get off. Walk along the water with Restaurant Skagerack on the right side. Walk around the corner at Café Backlund. On the other side you see Strömstad Infocenter and Kosterferrys departs opposite. The walk takes 5 min. See Västtrafik for current bus and train times.
The car park by the hospital is located opposite to the Kosterferries in the northern harbor. Parking Fees are charged in summer. Parking is free in winter.
Departs from the northern harbor in Strömstad, see the timetable below. You get off the ferry in Långagärde on Sydkoster. From there you walk the road straight ahead about 400 meters, then you will find us on the right side.
Kosters Trädgårdar
452 05 Sydkoster
Trädgård & Kurser
070 256 34 01